Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Look Into Who is Donating to Initiative 522

Hello, everyone!  With the election one day away, I thought it would be useful to see a comparison between the total amount raised for California's 2012 Proposition 37 and Washington's 2013 Initiative 522.

The top five contributors for the No-campaign to Proposition 37 were:
1. Monsanto: $8.1 million
2. Dupont Pioneer: $5.4 million
3. Pepsico: $2.5 million
4. G.M.A: $2 million
5. Kraft Foods: $2 million

Currently, according to the Public Disclosure Commsion, the top five contributors for the No-campaign to I-522 are:
1. G.M.A: $11 million
2. Monsanto: $5.9 million
3. Dupont Pioneer: $3.9 million
4. Bayer Cropscience: $592,000
5. Dow Agrosciences: $592,000

As you can see, many of the companies that spent multi-millions in order to successfully defeat Proposition 37 are aiming to do the same with I-522.

In 2012 a total of  $46 million was raised from No-campaigns to defeat Proposition 37, while currently $21 million has been raised in opposition of I-522.

According to the Public Disclosure Commission, $9.3 million has been raised in support of passing I-522.

Some of the companies that gave in California but not in Washington are Ben & Jerry's, Kraft Foods and Mars Inc.

Ben & Jerry's, a supporter of I-522, is choosing to not involve itself in I-522.

Although Kraft gave $2 million in California and none in Washington, the No-campaign for I-522 has still managed to break the Washington State record for amount raised for any campaign.

Read more here: http://www.theolympian.com/2013/11/02/2807830/not-all-california-players-join.html#storylink=cpy

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